Hai Majd
Sorouh Sohar 'Majd' will form a stand-alone community with over 1,000 residential units as well as commercial facilities and ample green spaces to provide high-quality housing. The project provides a variety of alternatives of residential units of varying sizes to allow the beneficiary the greatest amount of options. Majd City came to enhance community cohesion through design that helps to collaborate in line with the aspirations of the current people
Property Type :
Property Type :
Under Construction
Units :

A Unique and Attractive
Residential Destination
Hai Majd will form an integrated community with over 1,000 residential units as well as commercial facilities and spacious green spaces. The project provides a variety of alternatives of residential units of varying sizes to allow the beneficiary the greatest amount of options.
Hai Majd came to enhance community cohesion through the aesthetic design and innovative business model adopted by the project, which allows achieving high-end and high-quality standards in the fields of design, development and construction in a way that was not possible before, and which supports the aspirations and interests of the community.
The project is a unique, attractive, and very practical residential destination, where high quality meets modern lifestyles. This unique combination of quality, luxury and financial value is what makes Majd a popular choice for many residents of the area.